Why I deleted my socials

4 min readJan 2, 2023


In case you’re wondering, I am no longer online. At least, my social media presence has effectively reduced to zero.

I have been very unhappy for a long time using social media. My first one was Facebook back in 2007. I’ve been on social media for 10+ years, fucking A! I think that’s plenty enough. But it wasn’t always bad don’t get me wrong. At the beginning I do recall having fun with it. But nowadays I often reflect on what truly matters to me, what I want to prioritize with my time, and what I truly value in life and social media just doesn’t cut it for me anymore. On top of this, a lot of the major traumatic experiences that I have had in my early adolescent life happened indirectly because of social media. It just doesn’t make sense for me keep using.

From the artificial sense of connection you get from these places. To the take-for-grantedness of people you experience when using these apps, as the more seemingly “accessible” people are, the more likely you get complacent and never reach out to them anyway because you know you’ll always have “a way in”. But life doesn’t care for years and death happens whenever. I always preferred quality over quantity anyway. I don’t care about your lives to be honest. I don’t care about your thanksgivings, and your halloweens. I don’t care about your New Year’s or your vacations. I don’t care about your successes and your triumphs. Your motivational quotes, your art, your beauty. Your food, your shitty memes, your new car, your shitty new business, your personal records. I don’t care about any of it. I only care about my life, and the lives of the good people around me. And I want to keep it that way, forever. I don`t want to find out about your triumphs through a screen. Tell me about them to my face! Let me celebrate your wins in real life, not lazily through some clicks on my mouse, or taps on my phone screen. I want to be there for my people more. In real life. Not behind a screen. To see and experience them with all my senses. Just like nature intended. Not any of this artificial man made shit. I find it increasingly disturbing how whenever I meet someone new and we want to keep in touch, the default now is asking for our social media. Like no bitch I do not want to give you a glimpse into my personal life. Get to know me for me instead before anything. Get to know the real me. Not the curated version I want the world to see. Ask for my number instead like the old days. Connect with me on a real level. Not on the fake one. Don`t ask for my instagram with the intention of never reaching out ever and just residing to creepily watching my stories and liking my posts every now and then. Be here with me now because I want to be here with you now. Let`s make genuine connections. Let`s build more strong bridges. Don`t be afraid. Reach out. Call me. I might be down! Let`s not be in our heads, or in our phones. Let`s not worry too much and think about menial unimportant shit. LET`S BE HERE NOW CREATING FOND NEW MEMORIES WE CAN LOOK BACK ON WHEN WE`RE OLD AND GREY!

In addition to this, you can’t forget all the other bullshit you find on these platforms. All the smoke and mirrors. The flexing. The misinformation. The retarded trends. The endless drain of your attention. The ads. The gossip. The voyeurism. The para social relationships. The censorship. The politics. The bad news. No one is ever happy 24/7. ``Living my best life`` is not real please shut the fuck up. I don’t think I will never understand human.

So yeah that's why Im deleting all my socials. I will still have my Flickr and this (they’re not social medias) as I do want to leave behind a time-capsule for my great grandchildren (and for whoever else gives a fuck) to look back on in the future, but other than that, my social media presence is gone starting today, Forever. If you want to get in touch with me and we already know each other and you have my number, you know what to do. Other than that, if fate shall have it and we meet in life, and we both want to establish a genuine connection, then let`s link up the old fashion way, and keep the connection alive through mutual presence and fondness and respect and appreciation of one another.

As for my old friends and distant family, I believe life is a river that keeps moving. Siddhartha taught me that. I wish you nothing but the best in this life. I hope you find success whatever that means to you. I hope you find some purpose too. Some things that brings you fulfillment in the chaos. I wish you love and happiness, peace and calm.

Andres S.

Ps. Fuck the matrix.




Written by Andres

a collection of thoughts/poems/writings from the MADNESS within.

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