What I learned from Maui



Man will never rise above Nature.

As much as we like to boast about our technology

and our intellect, our rationale and our civility,

man will NEVER transcend and go beyond Nature.

For man IS A PART OF Nature!

The idea of advancing past something one is a part of

is simply impossible.

Man can only ever rise above himself,

but never above Nature.

No nuclear warhead , no A.I. No interstellar rocket machine,

No man made force can ever compare to the sheer omnipresent poweful force of Nature.

The power of Nature is unfathomable.

I should have been aware of this all along.

It should not have taken me to go an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean to realize this.

Man will never surpass Nature,

any claims challenging this are merely egotistical.

We aren’t shit in the great universal expanse and this truth brings me relief like no other.

We must respect the Earth.

There is no other choice.

To disrespect Her is to disrespect ourselves.

We must do better.

I love Gaia.

And I love everything She has to offer me.

All these luxuries and vain comforts that I enjoy on a daily basis come directly from Her.

And I’m grateful.

From the Earth we all arrive,

and to the Earth we all return.



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