There is a war on love.
People aren’t good to each other.
Hurt people hurt people.
We lie to each other, lie to ourselves, we play games all the time.
We disregard other people’s feelings as a consequence of the increasingly individualistic society we exist in.
+50% divorce rates, incessant cheating, unrelenting egoistic lust, sex everywhere, the objectification of people, increasing feelings of loneliness, the irony/ paradox of social medias connecting people more easily, yet isolating them just the same, dissatisfaction with your life situation and partner, dishonesty, poor communication and trust issues, unprocessed traumas, and a general sense of lack.
No love of self.
These are but few of the many thorns that can strangle love.
To be in genuine true love, one must cultivate a deep respect and awareness of self. One must also cultivate this in one’s partner and together, unify and conjoin each other to a higher purpose that transcends the two of you. In doing so, you become divine and create an opening for God to bless your holy unity and work in tandem with his love.
This is what is often referred to as a “Godly Relationship”.
A true loving relationship is a rebellious force that takes up arms against this war. By deciding to shield the hearts of man and fight off the temptations and evils of this world, a loving couple enters the battlefield voluntarily, despite knowing the many perils that await them.
Therefore, to be in love in this day and age is a revolutionary and courageous act.
We must keep up the fight at all costs because the alternative? Despair, chaos and ungodly suffering.
This war will not cease lest both sides arise from their slumber.