there is a war of attrition between my cock and my heart,
and often times it feels like my cock is winning.
I’ll see a fine woman anywhere
and she’ll linger in my mind for a while
and then I’ll see another fine woman anywhere
and she’ll also linger.
See enough fine broads and later on
i go looking for trouble.
Trouble finds me
and eventually
so does my nut.
But then my heart does something funny you see.
It starts to take the upper hand.
My conscience kicks in.
Why does it feel like my heart
always ends up taking the upper hand
in the end?
Maybe this little soldier
just wasn't cut out
for the trenches.
Whenever my heart starts winning,
my cock gets even harder.
and harder.
and harder.
Until eventually,
it takes back the advantage.
What's it gonna take to end this war?
Some deified Madonna Whore,
a pristine woman,
beautiful and REAL
doe eyed and red cheeked,
freckle faced, lips like cherry.
with a smile that gives heart attacks,
tits like rocket fuel,
and an ass that makes you pray to god at night
and count your blessings.
She’d hunger for my gun
and mine alone.
The things we’d do in bed together
should have me
leaving my soul
weeping tears.
And she’d love me entirely.
accepting this piece of shit
for who he is
and more importantly
for who he is trying to be.
O Madonna Whore,
Madonna Whore,
wherefore art thou
my Madonna Whore?