There is a dog in every man,
and it wants to be let out desperately.
You feel its presence
in the trenches.
And the weight rooms.
And the courtyards
And the pay-per-view matches
And the sold out arenas.
The psych wards
And the jailhouses.
There is a dog in every man.
And it is never satisfied.
It always wants
It makes you hurt the ones you love,
And it hungers for more than flesh.
The pain only drives him.
There is a dog in every man.
And he lusts for dominance, force, violence,
sex, drugs, blood and destruction.
There is a dog in every man.
Inherited since birth.
Residing deep within the cage of the soul.
There is a dog in every man.
For some he is shackled,
For others, unrestrained.
At times it takes an
impossible amount of strength
To subdue him.
Because there is a dog in every man.
And he can destroy man from the inside
And lay waste to everything around him.
Endless consumption.
Do not let it consume you.
For there is a beast in every man.
And it can save you.
And protect the ones you love.
And transform you.
And make you stronger.
There is a beast inside every man.
And it has with it
The capacity for one to adopt
an indomitable will.
An ability to struggle through anything.
And to keep on struggling.
And always pushing forward.
No matter what.
There is a beast in every man.
But Man must learn to tame it.
No matter where you go
There’s no escape.
This canine is a part of you.
It follows you like a hungry wolf
Stalking its prey.
Slowly creeping up behind you on your path.
Wanting to leap out at the slightest hint of blood, pussy and aggression.
There is a dog inside every man.
For some it’s a wounded pup
Too hurt to crawl on his own.
Lonesome and dammed by his fate,
He bares his teeth at the world,
Lashing out whenever his instincts tell him.
Aggression becomes his default.
Having grown in the midst of chaos,
Pain and abandonment is all he’s ever known.
But he’s all bark and no bite.
All he truly wants is to be held
and made to feel safe…
There is a dog in every man.
& modern society wants to castrate him,
for they know all too well what he is capable of.
There is a dog in every man.
Loving, patient, protective, disciplined.
One must raise him well
To reap the benefits of this loyal friend.
For there is a dog in every man
& mine is 3/4s shepherd, 1/4 rotten.
And he is the son of Thor.