We romanticize everything.
From having a dog, to a first kiss, to getting laid for the first time
We expect so much but when the reality hits it hits you like a truck
“This does not live up to my fantasy boohoo! Woe is me!”
And then people wonder why they give up so easily
I think of my dog as an example. I absolutely adored the idea of having him. But that’s the fantasy right. The IDEA OF HIM. It wasn’t until he took his first human sized shit at the ripe old age of 7 weeks old that i knew it was real. Seriously, you should have seen the size of that thing!! Anybody would be impressed! But it was the instant that occurred when the illusion came crumbling. How naive I’ve been…“Why couldn’t you be like one of those good boys you see everywhere on the internet?” Well that’s part of the problem you see…
We only show the highlights online. No one cares for the vomit and the diarrhea. The ugly moments behind the scenes that are very uncomfortable yet oh so necessary.
We crave perfection. We don’t like uncomfortable. In fact WE DESPISE IT!
We seek out the impossible. Our expectations far exceed simply occupying mars. We cannot be satisfied unless our expectations are met. And when they aren’t? We feel a disconnect. A profound disappointment in ourselves that only we bring upon us.
Then suddenly weeks go by and you want your old life back. You want your old life back before the expectations for that new thing came and ruined it.
So you suffer.
You suffer in silence knowing you can never have that ideal. No matter how hard you try. Because it’s unreal.
and that wears you out.
it wears you out…
Please understand that I am not talking about manifesting here.
It’s okay to visualize things and go after them and make them happen.
I’m talking about the perverse obsession one develops in their head over that thing that they once had high hopes for, but are eventually and inevitably let down immediately after the fact.
First blowjob, first day at the job, first time swimming with dolphins, first time trying bourbon flavoured ice cream
It can be anything.
My best advice is to not lose yourself in romanticizing things and getting your hopes up because it’s a slippery slope that quickly becomes a trap. Especially when it gets out of hand. Because as we should all hopefully know by now, anything that gets taken to it’s extremes has a very high probability of becoming corrupt.
So sure romance can be magic, and having a reasonable degree of expectation is necessary, but ground yourself in knowing that all magic is not real and it should be respected and appreciated as such.