there is a darkness inside me.
it follows me around
and beats me down
it tells me im not good enough
that i deserve every bad thing
thats ever occurred to me
that im a piece of shit
and undeserving of love…
it takes a lot for me to
shut it up
even just momentarily.
it wears me out.
It often reminds me of
what i dont have,
what i’ve lost
and as a result,
seldom do i ever
focus on what i do have,
what remains.
The truth is
i am loved.
I am reminded everyday
when i turn to face
the sun
and most nights when I can see
the moon.
Every day is a reminder
of the love i am surrounded by
but often overlook.
I am Loved.
I am worthy.
I am enough.
My family,
My friends,
My dog,
they all show me this
despite me not always acknowledging it.
And though most times this darkness
does obscure my gratitude,
every now and then
i get glimmers of love light
that slip through my blackout curtains
And remind me of the beautiful warm energy
constantly flowing around me.
So thank you love for always being there,
even though I may not always wilfully see it.