When life gets rough
And you get stressed
Have a seat
Come Take a rest
Relax your body
And take a breath
Let it out
Come on refresh
As you sit upon
Your porcelain throne
Dont be shy
Pull out your phone
Do remember
You are alone
So Swipe swipe swipe
Tap tap tap
Now’s the time
To take a crap
This sacred place
Your holy respite
Alone at last
Your glory best shit
Savour the moment
From release to drop
For just one moment
The whole world stops
So relax unwind
And ease your mind
Let go of stress
Leave your troubles behind
Now make sure you wipe
And wash your hands
Don’t get too excited
Don’t poop your pants
As you rise to leave
Don’t be in a rush
For the world awaits you
As soon as you flush.
- Andres S.